Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Visualization for Energy Healing

In this blog, let us look at some different ways to heal ourself at the Energy level by using the Power of Visualization.

We Human beings are actually energy beings. When you look at a human body, it consists of organs which are made up of tissues. Each tissue on further observation under a microscope is made up of molecules. Molecules are finally made up of atoms.

When you closely observe an atom it consist of just 1% of matter. The remaining 99% are actually electromagnetic energy made up of fast moving electrons in a specific pattern. This explains that 99% of the human body is just electromagnetic energy field and not solid matter as we thought it to be.

Before we look at how Visualization can be used to heal ourself, let us be familiar with few terms related to Energy healing :

  • Cosmic Energy : These are the divine energy dust that is all around us in this Universe. This can be considered as blessings of God and can be used for the benefit of mankind. This energy is so subtle that it cannot be seen with the naked eye and also with a powerful microscope. Through Visualization we are channelizing this energy to our body for healing purpose.

  • Chakras : Chakras are Energy centres within our body. Chakras emit energy and also absorb energy. There are 7 main Chakras in the human body. These are :
                Root Chakra or the Mooladhara Chakra at the bottom of the spine. 
                Sacral Chakra or the Swadhishtana Chakra below the stomach area. 
                Solar Plexus Chakra or the Manipura Chakra above the navel area. 
                Heart Chakra or the Anahata Chakra between the 2 chest area. 
                Throat Chakra or the Vishuddha Chakra at the Throat area. 
                Third Eye Chakra or the Agya Chakra between the 2 eyebrows. 
                Crown Chakra or the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. 

More details about each Chakras will be described in a later blog.

Let's understand that a person gets affected by a pain or some disease when there is a blockage of energy at a specific area of the body. By doing Energy Healing we are actually removing this energetic block and making sure that there is free flow of energy throughout the body. 

For doing Energy Healing, we first do a small Prayer or a Meditation. Then we ask for the blessings from God. After that we Visualize a Violet/Golden/White colored Cosmic Energy coming from the top as blessings and getting channelized to our body from the Crown Chakra all the way down to our Root Chakra.

Healing specific areas in our body with examples :

Cure Stomach pain, acidity, indigestion : Here we need to Visualize the Cosmic energy getting channelized and flowing down to our Solar Plexus Chakra. This Chakra is located at the stomach area just above the navel. We can visualize the energy cleansing, healing and energizing this area for around 15-20 minutes. This step can also be done by placing our palm at this Chakra for the energy to get channelized and directed from our palms. This is the method followed in Reiki.

Cure Fever : 
Here we need to Visualize the Cosmic energy getting channelized and flowing down to our Heart Chakra. This Chakra is located at the heart area between our 2 chests. We can visualize the energy cleansing, healing and energizing this area for around 15-20 minutes. This can also be done by placing our palm at this Chakra for the energy to get channelized and flow from our palms. This process can be followed for 2-3 days to get complete cure.

Cure Throat problems and Communication issues :
Here we need to Visualize the Cosmic energy getting channelized and flowing down to our Throat Chakra. This Chakra is located at the throat area. We can visualize the energy cleansing, healing and energizing this area for around 15-20 minutes. This can also be done by placing our palm at this Chakra for the energy to get channelized and flow from our palms. This process can get repeated as per our convenience. 

Cure shoulder pain :
Here we need to Visualize the Cosmic energy getting channelized and flowing down to our shoulder area where we have the pain. We can visualize the energy cleansing, healing and energizing this area for around 15-20 minutes.

Balancing the Chakras :
It is good that we balance all our Chakras so that there is proper energy flow within our body. When there is a balance of energy throughout our body we would be always energized and active and would be able to do our daily tasks with interest, commitment and enthusiasm. For this we Visualize the Cosmic Energy getting channelized and flowing down from our Crown Chakra all the way to our Root Chakra. For each of the 7 Chakras, one by one, we need to Visualize this Energy healing, cleansing and energizing. We can do this process for say 2-3 minutes per Chakra. We can also Visualize the negative energy in the form of black color getting collected during healing and coming out from each Chakra. By doing this we are channelizing all the positive energy to our specific area of our body that needs treatment and removing all the negative energy that is blocking this flow of energy. 

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  1. I wanted to know about more on throat chakras you have expressed it well. thanks for sharing this i ll try out the visualization technique.

  2. My friend who is a Yoga practitioner helped me understand Chakras and I practiced activating them while performing asanas. It's a difficult process but has supreme healing powers.


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