Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Visualization Secrets for Everyday Life

Most of us believe that the secret to a person's success depends on their skills, talent, education background, financial background, family background etc. In some ways this assumption holds good. However, I would say the main factor for the success of a person's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being is the quality of thoughts that he carries with himself and also the way he visualizes it in his life.  


Visualization plays a key role in the success of our day to day life events. Whatever achievement we have made in our life has all started from a single thought. This single thought when visualized repeatedly gets more power added to it. The visualized thought then triggers an action which becomes a behavior, then a character and finally the manifestation of that desired activity becomes a reality.  


Let us see some day to day scenarios in life and see how Visualization can be applied to it : 


  • At work, you have been given a very challenging task to be completed in a short period of time. You can easily complain saying that the allocated task is very difficult and that you wouldn't be able to complete it. Also once you start your work you may very well have negative thoughts related to getting stuck and not able to proceed etc. 
Solution : Firstly, understand that this task is allocated to you because you are capable and skillful enough to accomplish this task. Secondly you must always remind yourself that there is always not just one but many solutions to your given task. These solutions are within your reach and it is just a matter of time that the solution would come to you.  Here you just need to repeatedly visualize the end result that you have successfully completed this task and that you are receiving the appreciation from your Managers and Clients. You can also visualize the solutions to your task coming to you when you wake up in the morning or while you are just relaxing or taking a break etc.

This year, I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z  powered by theblogchatter.com 


  1. Visualizing the end is an interesting way to look at the problem. I will definitely try this.

    1. Yes it is very powerful way to achieve your desired goals.
      When you try these always try to be happy, cheerful and without having any element of doubt that whether you would be able to achieve it or not.


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