Monday, 5 April 2021

Introduction to Visualization

Visualization is the process of observing or visualizing images in a physical or a mental form. 


Just like Thoughts, Visualization is a powerful tool to give a clear direction to the mind. It is also an effective tool to achieve your goals and desires.  


Some of the ways in which Visualization can be applied to our lives are as follows : 


  • Visualization is one of the method used to implement Law of Attraction. As per Law of Attraction, whatever your mind believes with complete faith and trust, it goes on to manifest that thought to reality. To achieve that, we Visualize our end state of our goal or our desire and keep repeating this image for many days or even months till it becomes a reality. Visualization along with Affirmations and Auto-suggestions work together to manifest your desires and goals.


  • For Students : Visualization helps you to do well in our exams. If you Visualize your exams becoming easy then it would help you to relax yourself during the exam and thereby recollect all that you have studied with ease. 


  • For Professionals : Visualization helps you to do well at work. Whenever you are given any so called tough task to complete, you just need to relax yourself and visualize the end result of this task. Here you need to visualize daily that your Manager and Client appreciating you for successfully completing this task. On doing so, you would start approaching the task with confidence and slowly your mindset begins to change. You would then find this so called tough task slowly becoming an easy one.  Visualization also triggers every cell in the body to focus on the given goal and thereby triggers the person to work hard and smart in a confident and a relaxed manner. 


  • To heal yourself : Visualization can also be used to improve your health and also to cure yourself from any chronic diseases. Applying Affirmations along with Visualization is a powerful way to cure a person from any sort of diseases. Healing using thoughts, Affirmations and Visualization would be discussed in more depth in the subsequent blogs.  

  • For Abundance Manifestation : Certain tools like Vision Board, Affirmation Journaling, Mind Maps etc also helps a person to manifest Success, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Prosperity to their lives. How to apply all these tools and techniques would be discussed in the further blogs.

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  1. I've always read about these.concepts in the secret. Good to see someone else resonating and believing in them.

    1. Thanks Raghav. Happy to know that you are also interested in these techniques.


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