Saturday, 30 April 2022
Save your Memories
You are the Owner of your Self
Be Ahead in the Race
Mental state for Professionals
Sow your seed of Inner Wellness
Change from Within
Attitude of Gratitude
Friday, 29 April 2022
Forgive, Forget and Move On
Are these really important?
Identify your Unlimited Potential
Many times we hear people say about someone that they are very talented but somehow they are not reaching to the position that they deserve to be. This is something common that we may seen in our daily lives. Let us look at the reasons why that particular person is not reaching to the heights that he should have reached.
Being in a shell
The person may have been very skillful and talented but due to the lack of his inner voice, self belief and self-talk, he may be stuck at the same position or falling behind. The external world of a person is a reflection of his inner voice. Inspite of all the skills and talent, if the person still continues to show lack in his statements like I do not deserve this, I'm not skillful enough, this task seems difficult for me to accomplish, I prefer sitting quietly and not take up difficult tasks etc then things would be very slow and less eventful.
Being in the company of negative-minded people
Even if the person is skillful, talented and goal-oriented, the plans of the person can go haywire when he falls in the company of toxic people. There can be situations where the negative minded people can discourage, corrupt, embarras, harm or abuse the person. This can affect the thoughts and actions of the person. Coming out of this situation requires too much of courage and would not be easy.
Lack of the desire to succeed
Many times we have seen people procrastinate and give excuses for not taking up a challenge or an opportunity. The reason for this is the absence of willpower and determination to succeed. When the desire is not strong enough then people tend to relax and slow down in their approach.
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Gift a good experience for your self
Thursday, 28 April 2022
Inner Dimensions of Self
For a person, we have heard about 2 types of world - External and the Inner World. External world is the material world that we see, hear, smell, taste and feel with our senses. Nowadays most of the people are engaged in their external world because they believe that to achieve everything in their life they need to be always available and active in their external world. We can also see people reducing their sleep time and eating time just to gain more time for their activities in the external world. Let us also try to understand something about our Inner world.
When a person practices certain Holistic techniques like Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation or Reiki, he connects to his inner self. Inner self or inner consciousness is very powerful indeed. The more we get closer to our inner self, the more we discover our abilities and capabilities. The inner consciousness also has the capability to tap into a higher consciousness when it is in a relaxed or a meditative state. When the inner self taps into a higher power, the person starts to get lot of ideas, thoughts, wisdom etc. It is said that our external world is a manifestation of our inner self. That means the kind of thoughts and belief that we maintain in our inner world has the power to get manifested to our external reality.
Our Third Eye Chakra or the energy point between our eyebrows is set to be the interface with the Spiritual world. A person who meditates regularly is said to activate this Chakra. Activation of the Third Eye Chakra is said to bring in intuition, psychic abilities, awareness, wisdom, focus, concentration and relaxation.
Regular practice of Holistic techniques also helps a person to heal himself both physically and mentally. Practice of Pranayama is also said to increase the intake of oxygen, removal of the toxins from the body, activation of both sides of the brain, purifying every cell in the body and a lot more.
As the person continues with his inner wellness practices for many months or years, he would find the benefits of it in his personal life in terms of Health, Happiness, Relaxation, Abundance and Prosperity. The person would then be more aware and clear about the meaning of energy, frequency and vibrations. He would find that there is positivity all around him and he would also find lot of opportunities around him.
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Relax Yourself with Self-Love
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Importance of Mindfulness during Self-Love
Tuesday, 26 April 2022
Positive Affirmations for Self-Love
Monday, 25 April 2022
Invest in your Skills
Sunday, 24 April 2022
Serve Self to Serve Others
Saturday, 23 April 2022
Help of Experts and Introduction to Eplimo
Friday, 22 April 2022
Let us celebrate Earth Day
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Which among the following...
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Ask Yourself these Questions Everyday
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
In Search of a True Role Model
Monday, 18 April 2022
Have you forgotten to look after your Inner-Self?
Saturday, 16 April 2022
Positive Self-talk Statements : The Need of the hour
Positive self-talk statements are essential for the success of every person. We know ourselves much better than anyone else and so we must realize that the greatest motivator in our life is we ourselves. What we say or speak to ourselves has an impact on our thoughts and each activity that we do. It helps us to attract the results that we want in life.
Some of the positive self-talk statements that we can say to ourselves are:
It’s ok
You are the best
· I love you
· I admire you
· I appreciate you
· I trust you
· I believe in you
I’m with you
· I am a wonderful person
Things will change for the better
I open my arms for abundance and opportunities
· I know exactly what I am doing
· I know what I need to do
· My mind is clear
· I feel relaxed
The above are some of the positive statements that can be used. You may also construct some sentences as per your choice and circumstances and make sure that you repeat them to build a new habit. Remember that habits are formed out of repetition. So if you repeat these positive statements multiple times for many days then you would slowly see that these statements start becoming a strong belief within you and thereby become a habit.
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How important is Self-Talk in our life
Self-talk are the words or statements that you say to your inner self.
This can also be termed as your inner voice. Many times we come across
ourselves or the people around us using self-talk. This can happen consciously
or even subconsciously. Let us look at some ways by which we can use self-talk
and its impact on generating results in our daily life.
Self-talk has a deeper connection to our conscious and
our subconscious mind. Each word that we say to ourselves can have an impact on
our belief system and could play an important role to alter the outcome of the
events that we see in our life. Maybe for once or twice, it may not have a
strong impact. But when it gets repeated over a period of time, let us say for
months or years, then it creates a strong mental impression that makes it an
in-built habit or behavior.
Some of the common negative self-talk words used are
(Sorry for the vulgarity) :
Oh no!
Come on!
Oh shit!
Regular use of these negative words brings down the
spirit of the person. It is like demoralizing or devaluing the greatness of the
person to a low level.
During my childhood when I go to play cricket after a
gap of many months, I see that on the first day I perform very well with the
bat and the ball. I would be getting good scores and would be getting good
appreciation from my teammates. Subsequently, on the second, third, fourth, and
final days, my performance starts to dip slowly. I would end up losing my form
and also struggle to play a normal game. I also experienced a similar kind of
scenario when I play football after a gap of many months. During those days I
didn't know the reason for such a dip in my performance in the subsequent days.
Many years later, when I gained the knowledge of
motivation, inspiration, and Self-Love, I tried to rewind my memory back to
those days to analyze what could have gone wrong. During those gap of many
months, my mind used to wait for those vacation days and wished to play a game
of cricket or football. In my mind, I used to imagine striking the cricket ball
comfortably. I also used to imagine tackling many players and scoring a goal in
a football match. After all this positive mind training, when I then get
a chance to finally enter the ground, I see that my mind is fresh with all the
confidence. I see that without much delay I begin to perform as brilliantly as
I should be. Later as I continue with my game, there comes certain situations
in the game when I make silly mistakes like missing a strike or getting out to
a simple delivery. When I make such a silly mistake, I criticize myself by
shouting at myself. Doing this action repeatedly whenever I make a mistake demoralizes
and devalues my spirit. The energy within my internal self goes down and so in
the subsequent games I start performing poorly. Over the years this habit of
criticism remained in me and affected my performance in my activities.
We must understand that feedback is essential for the
progress of an individual. However, criticism and especially self-criticism can
be avoided under all circumstances. We must understand that even if we make a
mistake or lose out on an opportunity, there are many other opportunities that
lie in front of us. If we believe in our abilities then we should believe that
we have the capability to achieve our desires and goals anytime later. The situation of others criticizing us would not
completely be in our hands to get controlled. However, we have complete control
of our inner feelings, thoughts, and emotions that we have towards ourselves.
Ensuring that we maintain positive self-talk towards ourselves would increase
our trust, confidence, belief, and self-love within us and help us in giving
our best under all circumstances.
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Evaluate Your Beliefs
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